viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2010

savour / saborear

El 9 de diciembre se inaugura una expo colectiva en la galeria CMTV de Barcelona (st Pere més alt, 36) sobre los 7 pecados capitales, en la que yo participo haciendo esta interpretación de la gula.

13 comentarios:

Connie dijo...

Very, very dark, but the cookie/biscuit still looks good.

Unknown dijo...

love this ....very unique piece....

Please come and submit your work to our book and marketing project for is a great way to get published and market your work...

Curious Art dijo...

Oh! What a wonderful interpretation of gluttony! I should probably be saying a few mea culpas after yesterday...

Sandra Brandstätter dijo...

like the lightning and the shapes in your picture.

Ces Adorio dijo...

Oh wow. I love your style. I wish I could paint like this.

MrBibleHead dijo...

Very cool Dani!

Juan dijo...

Excelente trabajo Dani, éxitos en la espo

Nancy Bea Miller dijo...


k.h.whitaker dijo...

wow, very interesting

Anónimo dijo...

Wish I could read what you wrote. Beautiful image.

The Seakiwi dijo...


Wilfred dijo...

beautiful painting, dani. i love how you painted the light.

jazzlamb dijo...

Your paintings are always crafted impeccably!
Everything looks so lovely and composed. So so very inspiring!